Monthly Archives: June 2013

5:55 am

Thursday was Tanner’s last day of school. I had to wake him up to get him ready. Friday there was no school and he was up at 5:55 am. Saturday he got up at 5:55 am. This morning, he was up at… guessed it, 5:55 am. On a weekday, getting up at that time is somewhat tolerable. But on the weekend, it just kills me. I am a night owl, not a morning person. Steve gets up with him on Saturday, but doesn’t do a very good job of keeping him away from me. I get up with him every other day. And when Tanner wakes up, he is full speed ahead. He is not quiet. He is jibber jabbering and telling me all the mantra’s for the day. “No school.” “Go to church.” “iPad.” Over and over again. Where is the nice quiet morning time?
It’s summer now and this is how it will be for a couple of weeks. Until his camp begins and then summer school. For me and many other special needs parents, summer is such a challenge. We are “on” 24/7. No respite, unless we have made a plan for day camp or something else. For me, I try to find a balance between keeping Tanner busy and happy and engaged in some type of activity. All while cleaning the house and doing all the normal chores that must be done. I’m trying to teach him to help me with some things.
Summer is so much better now that Tanner is older. He is considerably more calm than he was at a younger age. With the acquisition of an iPad, I am able to get some things done.
If only there was a sleep app! One that kept Tanner asleep till 7 am. Somebody get to work on that!!!!!