Monthly Archives: September 2017

A Different Perspective 

I’m struggling with some emotions today. So it’s time to write. 

These words should say it all. 

Hurricanes. Storm surge. Floods. Tornados. Devastation. Loss of everything. No home. No car. No material possessions. 

Mud. Mold. Trash. Debris. Destruction. 

Human spirit. Rescue. Boats. Volunteers. Donations. Church groups. FEMA. Red Cross. Shelters. Compassion. Hard work. Cleanup. 

The first group of words prompts the second group of words. 
Here are some more words. 
Autism. Disability. Isolation. Behaviors.


Lack of sleep. Noise. No words-but lots of noise. Destruction. Poop. Yes, poop. Discrimination. Stares. Seizures. Doctors. Medical bills. Therapy bills. 
Never. Ending. 


No telethons. No volunteers. No help with the poop. No relief from the repetition. No donations of money for therapies or services. Government cuts for therapies or services. No insurance coverage. No catching up on the sleep. No compassion among the stares. 
No rescue. 

Never. Ending. 
Hurricane survivors will rebuild. The misery will end at some point. 

The rescuers will return to their normal lives. The donations will end. People will reminisce. But it will be over. It may take a long time. Things may never be the same. But that chapter will end. 
Not so for the family dealing with a severe disability. 
The chapter never ends. 

Please do not think that I am not compassionate towards the millions of people that have been impacted by these storms. My heart hurts for all. 

But day after day and year after year, I see many in my special community fighting battle after battle and no one helps. No one rescues. 

Some families will drown in the flood of their own tears. There are thousands of families across our country that need help. But there is no media to cover their storm. 
This is what truly breaks my heart.